Inpharmatis Launched eQMS Dot Compliance Web Page in Russian July 12, 2021

Inpharmatis Launched eQMS Dot Compliance Web Page in Russian

Inpharmatis is pleased to announce, that a detailed description of the electronic quality management system (eQMS) by Dot Compliance is now available to Russian-speaking users. The page contains a video demonstrating the advantages and benefits of the Dot Compliance system.

You can look at the eQMS Dot Compliance web page in the Russian language here.

Konstantin Koshechkin, and eSolutions Product Owner at Inpharmatis, noted: "The main advantage of eQMS is a significant increase in the sustainability of production processes. The system will ensure the achievement of a predetermined result since all indicators, numbers, and dates are fixed automatically."

Inpharmatis, a regional representative of Dot Compliance in the CIS and Baltic countries, offers to clients full project management for the implementation of an eQMS, including the provision of licenses, installation, and configuration of software, user training, and other services.

If you are interested in requesting a QMS Xpress demonstration, please submit the form in Russian.

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